Pitching You

Pitching You

The interview before the interview 

“Why am I even here? They’re never going to hire me!” 

Interviews could be described as the most important pitch in any creative’s career. A foot in the door... to more pitches (sigh). 

That said. How is it that so many creative thinkers are great at selling products and services but not so great at selling themselves? It’s like as soon as it’s all eyes on them they suddenly don’t know their Lemons from their Gorillas. 

A problem that’s only been exacerbated by COVID 19, as an ever-increasing number of creatives have found themselves unexpectedly pitching themselves for new opportunities. Potentially out of practice and facing a new nemesis - the dreaded Zoom interview “sorry about the banging, my housemate bought a hacky sack”. 

So how do a bunch of awkward introverts become interview experts? 

A little pitch prep. 

You have to know the industry. The ads you wished you’d made and even the ones you didn’t. Know the agency, their work and the work of the CD you’re seeing. And practice your pitch by interviewing with world-famous CDs, CCOs and ECDs at theinterviewbeforetheinterview.com ( we’ll give you that one for free).

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Pitch It: The Movie

Pitch It: The Movie

Yeah, I Like Pitching

Yeah, I Like Pitching