Gabberish Guest Editors Wanted

Gabberish Guest Editors Wanted

An open letter from Gabberish founder Siobhan Fitzgerald

Dear Creative Community,

What started out a year ago as a platform to deal with workplace stress has grown into something bigger. As fellow creatives generously shared their stories and creations to bring Gabberish to life, we started taking on broader workplace issues like ageism, responsibility, work-life balance and more. 

My friend and author Darby Hudson recently called Gabberish a ‘balm for the advertising industry’. I love that.

Still, the past year has been a big one for me, not only professionally but personally. I had my second child in December and my co-editor, Jess Lilley, had her second just weeks ago. Chuck a couple of big kids into the mix—not to mention jobs—and what started out as a coping strategy to deal with stress has turned into something that is causing us more grey hairs than we care to admit (especially considering you’re not meant to look old in advertising).

Gabberish is bigger than the two of us. We’ve had over 100 contributors from agencies across the country, spoken to industry leaders around the world, and revealed the empathetic side of a cut-throat industry.

Now we’re handing Gabberish back to the industry, inviting guest editors to step forward and guide each issue as they tackle what they deem to be important. Grey hairs aside, we think this is a really exciting development. How awesome to have a resource by and for the advertising community that encourages open conversations around the key issues we face.

Guest editors will essentially act as creative directors as they guide their issue’s content.

They will be invited to pick an issue, seek contributions of conceptual work, interview creative leaders, and edit regular columns like ‘Life on the other side’, ‘Gift of the Gabberer’, and ‘Team Talk’.

Jess and I plan to continue to oversee the publication and may well become more hands-on again as time passes and babies grow.

In the meanwhile I’m really hoping some of you will step forward to keep Gabberish going: if you’re interested or having any questions, email me at


We've come a long way, baby

We've come a long way, baby

Gabberissue #12: Booze

Gabberissue #12: Booze