Team talk: Trong Ronakiat and Sascha Wilkosz

Team talk: Trong Ronakiat and Sascha Wilkosz

For this episode of Team talk, we decided to create the ultimate test of trust, or at least bravery. Trong and Sascha from Saatchi Melbourne were emailed questions separately and have agreed to answer them without showing each other the answers.

How much does trust play into your creative process?
Trong: We’ve just started working with each other a few weeks ago so I think we’re figuring that one out. At the moment I think it’s about learning what each other is good/not good at so we know when we can trust each other.

Sascha: I think trust is important. Trust knowing that you both want to make good work which creates a safe space for any suggestion, spark or idea. I think that’s pretty important.

How much do you trust your partner (out of ten)?
Sascha: I don’t really see ‘creative trust’ on a scale. I see it as either you trust them or you don’t. Right now, it’s a yes from me.

Trong: Let’s say nine. 

Brad and Angelina have a team name. What should yours be?
Sascha: Trasch, Trong and Sasch (the c is silent).

Trong: Sasch has suggested Trash before. I think it’s pretty good.

What piece of work has your partner done that you wish you had your name on?
Trong: All her drawings. I’ve learnt she’s an amazing drawer. 

Sascha: Come on in and naughty or nice. The commonality is the tech behind these ideas. I admire the thinking, timing and executions.

You’re both the brains, who is the beauty in the relationship?
Sascha: 90% sure it’s Trong’s cat Katsudon (although I haven’t met the cat in person hence the remaining 10%).

Trong: Depends on the day. On my good hair day I think I can beat her.

Alex Bogusky wants to hire just one of you. Which one should he choose and why?
Trong: If this was 10 years ago I’d say memememe! Now I’m not fussed :D

Would you trust your partner with your computer password?
Sascha: Yes. My password is on a post it stuck to my desk. High security around here.

Your ATM card?
Sascha: Sure, spend the $3.43 wisely.

Your beer?
Sascha: Sure thing.

Trong: She doesn’t drink alcohol. So I wouldn’t trust her with a Carlton Zero.

What annoys you most about your partner?
Trong: The fact that she might be cooler than me. The first day at work she rocked up in a Harley Davidson. I was intimidated. Also she kinda looks like my old MD which makes her even more intimidating.

Sascha: He recently ran out of some delicious pineapple candy he brought back from Hawaii, that was pretty annoying.

If your partner’s Facebook was left open, what would you write as their status?
Trong: “Anyone selling tickets to the upcoming nickelback Australia tour? Asking for a friend.”

Sascha: I’d write four.
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Would you delete the status from their page so it still shows up in the newsfeed, but they can’t see how to delete it?
Sascha: No. Yes.

You’re putting together a team website. Whose name should be first and why?
Sascha: Mine because of the alphabet.

Trong: Is taken?

You have access to a DeLorean and flux capacitor. Which decade do you send your partner to and why?
Trong: The next decade. So she can come back and tell me if advertising will be around or we should start making plan B.

Sascha: I think I’d probably just want to keep the car to be honest.

If your partner wasn’t in advertising, what career should they be in?
Trong: A health advisor. She’s a very holistic person.

Sascha: Tech

What’s the one thing you’ve never had the guts to ask your partner?
Sascha: How do I spell your surname? Also, how do I spell my surname?

Trong: How much are they paying you?

How long do you see your partnership lasting?
Trong: I once heard you should make relationship plan as far forward as the amount of time you’ve been together. We’ve been together 3 weeks so I’m looking forward to the next three. 

Who’s going to break it off with who?
Trong: Who knows. Maybe it’s a together-forever kind of partnership. Ask me again in 3 weeks.

Sascha: Spicy. Not sure.

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