Creative Outlet

Creative Outlet

Creative Outlet features the stuff we do to stay sane. Send your side projects through to

Our first feature artist is Ant Keogh, CCO The Monkeys Melbourne. When he's not making ads, Ant makes art.

"I always did have another creative thing on the side because I did find the not-getting-anything-made thing would drive you nuts after a while. So it was always good to go and do a painting because I didn’t have to get it approved. I didn’t have anyone looking over my shoulder telling me how to change it."


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To see more of Ant's work go to

To see more of Ant's work go to

Rejecting Rejection

Rejecting Rejection

An Abridged List of Ways You Can Get Rejected As An Advertising Creative

An Abridged List of Ways You Can Get Rejected As An Advertising Creative