A week's a long time in ad land

A week's a long time in ad land

When you’re plying your creative wares for a living, so much can change during any given week that Monday through Friday and back again can seem like a journey of a lifetime. In his revelatory photo essay, Melbourne photographer, Theo Moustakas, brings to life the extent some creative professionals feel like they age in a week on the job. Art direction by Jim Walsh.

Kat Matic, Art Director What ages you in a typical work week? Working overtime. When I work late I don’t sleep enough or relax enough. By Friday I’m OLLLD!!!

Kat Matic, Art Director
What ages you in a typical work week? Working overtime. When I work late I don’t sleep enough or relax enough. By Friday I’m OLLLD!!!

Lynne Barron, Senior Art Director What ages you in a typical work week? When I receive a 24 page catalogue to layout in 24 hours.

Lynne Barron, Senior Art Director
What ages you in a typical work week? When I receive a 24 page catalogue to layout in 24 hours.

Chris McKee, Creative Director What ages you in a typical work week? People that don’t give two shits. Or even one shit.

Chris McKee, Creative Director
What ages you in a typical work week? People that don’t give two shits. Or even one shit.

Ellie Dunne, Copywriter What ages you in a typical work week? That sweet, sweet pressure.

Ellie Dunne, Copywriter
What ages you in a typical work week? That sweet, sweet pressure.

Ray Ali, Senior Creative What ages you in a typical work week? One word - rebrief.

Ray Ali, Senior Creative
What ages you in a typical work week? One word - rebrief.

Souha Intani, Creative What ages you most in a typical work week? Seeing your work drift further and further away from the original idea.

Souha Intani, Creative
What ages you most in a typical work week? Seeing your work drift further and further away from the original idea.

Tessa Midgely, Copywriter What ages you in a typical work week? Too much time under fluro lights, not enough time under sunlight.

Tessa Midgely, Copywriter
What ages you in a typical work week? Too much time under fluro lights, not enough time under sunlight.

Brendon Guthrie, Writer and Creative Director What ages you most in a typical work week? Not getting any, because it means I don’t get paid.

Brendon Guthrie, Writer and Creative Director
What ages you most in a typical work week? Not getting any, because it means I don’t get paid.

Emma Clowes, Copywriter What ages you most in a typical work week? De-de-debriefs.

Emma Clowes, Copywriter
What ages you most in a typical work week? De-de-debriefs.

Stacey Karayannis, Art Director What ages you in a typical work week? When people continually spell my name wrong on email – even though it’s on my signature. And I mean my first name.

Stacey Karayannis, Art Director
What ages you in a typical work week? When people continually spell my name wrong on email – even though it’s on my signature. And I mean my first name.

Ander Hernando, R&D Lead Designer What ages you in a typical work week? Non-constructive feedback.

Ander Hernando, R&D Lead Designer
What ages you in a typical work week? Non-constructive feedback.

Tina Funder, Creative Director What ages you most in a typical work week? School drop-offs and pre-pitch jitters.

Tina Funder, Creative Director
What ages you most in a typical work week? School drop-offs and pre-pitch jitters.

Rosie Stone, Copywriter What ages you most in a typical work week? Missing out on the Arnott’s Lemon Crisps – emotionally crippling.

Rosie Stone, Copywriter
What ages you most in a typical work week? Missing out on the Arnott’s Lemon Crisps – emotionally crippling.

Mikey Curran, Senior Copywriter What ages you in a typical work week? The slow deterioration of what I once thought was an incredible, unique idea. Being told my writing is great, then seeing none of it used.

Mikey Curran, Senior Copywriter
What ages you in a typical work week? The slow deterioration of what I once thought was an incredible, unique idea. Being told my writing is great, then seeing none of it used.

Ruby Boynton-Boardman, Art Director What ages you in a typical work week? Office politics.

Ruby Boynton-Boardman, Art Director
What ages you in a typical work week? Office politics.

Phoebe Sloane, Copywriter What ages you in a typical work week? Ambiguity.

Phoebe Sloane, Copywriter
What ages you in a typical work week? Ambiguity.

You can find more of Theo Moustakas’ work here. Thank you to all who converged on the tiny cafe space at The Cherry Tree Hotel in Richmond one evening to stare into Theo’s lens.

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